Oct 14, 2023Liked by Hilary Hattenbach

I finally made my way back to this bookmarked post and I loved your take on Crows! I'm Alaska Native and in our culture, crows (or Ravens actually) are knows as "The Trickster" because they are so smart, playful and mischievous. They love to harass other birds, animals and even people. Did you know they remember people's individual faces? They remember who is kind and who is cruel. Truly an amazing birds! I always talk to them in the hopes of befriending one. Hasn't happened yet, but I'm holding out hope!!

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Hilary Hattenbach

4am...checked my emails attempt one before folling back to sleep ..ohh this was so interesting because I now will pay more attention to crows .. instead of mostly to other birds tracing from one tree to next till all of a sudden watching all flying to one direction as if one notified a food event ahead 🤔... Tks Hillary this was hilarious 😂

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Hilary Hattenbach

heeeeeey, thanks for the shout-out. now i better get my ass in gear and add to my substack!! Also, funny coinkidink: Martine and i were JUST talking crow smarts. Birds of a feather!! xo

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Hilary Hattenbach

Always a bright spot in my Mondays! Thanks! You are the best!

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Hilary Hattenbach

I will now pay more attention to the Crows here in the "Canyon of the Crows". That was a fun lunchtime read! Cheers

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